Building Compose only apps
22 June 2022
- Android
- Compose
This guide assumes you’re already familiar with the basics of Compose. If not you can check out this guide which provides a quick intro, or check out the official tutorials.
Useful read might be the API Guidelines for Jetpack Compose.
The Android lifecycle
As you know the activity is recreated on configuration change. This means
that you’ll lose all your Compose UI including all the values cached by
, which isn’t something we want since Compose, thanks to the way
works, will keep the UI parts that are the same.
To avoid this and to let Compose handle configuration changes, add in the
manifest the configuration changes you want to be handled by the activity using
For Compose we have an adaptation of the Jetpack Navigation library, which is not as mature as the fragment equivalent, since it lacks safe args and animations.
For animations, we have the accompanist version of navigation-compose:
fun AppNavigation(
state: NavigationState = rememberNavigationState()
) {
val navController: NavHostController = rememberAnimatedNavController()
startDestination = Route.Splash,
modifier = Modifier.background(AppTheme.colors.surface)
) {
composable(Route.Splash) {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize())
composable(Route.Login) { // the default transition is cross fade
route = Route.Home,
enterTransition = { ... }, // see docs for transition usage
exitTransition = { ... },
) {
when (state.loggedIn) {
true -> navController.onLogin()
false -> navController.onLogout()
null -> {
private fun NavHostController.onLogout() {
navigate(Route.Login) {
popUpTo( {
inclusive = true
private fun NavHostController.onLogin() {
navigate(Route.Home) {
popUpTo( {
inclusive = true
If you want safe args you could take a look at Decompose and this guide, but Jetpack navigation is more appropriate for now as a first step into the Compose world.
Navigation and ViewModels
An important note for Jetpack Navigation is the fact that ViewModels are scoped to the destination, which would otherwise be scoped to the host activity or fragment.
Creating a screen in Compose
In Compose there’s no concept of a screen. So by screen, we mean a part of UI implemented by a Composable that would otherwise be represented by a Fragment.
So we’ll simply apply the best practices of creating a Composable function with state, and below we’ll see how a given Fragment with ViewModel is translated in Compose.
First, the Fragment simply becomes a @Composable. We’ll keep the ViewModel for now, which will be injected by Koin:
fun LoginScreen(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
viewModel: LoginViewModel = getViewModel(),
) {
Box(modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
Note that, if you’re using ViewModel you are depending on Jetpack Navigation to have it scoped as expected to the screen (to the destination).
It’s important to have the ViewModel or State Holder as a parameter so that the parent of your Composable is able to read the state and send events to it.
State Holder
While ViewModel
is familiar, we can further decouple our UI state from
Android and implement a
state holder idiomatic to Compose.
So our ViewModel
becomes a plain Kotlin class that doesn’t extend anything.
The state holder should be remember
ed so that it is saved across recompositions.
fun LoginScreen(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
state: LoginScreenState = remember { LoginScreenState() },
) {
To follow the pattern used in Compose, and to hide default/injected values into the state holder, we should have the following function for every state holder:
fun rememberLoginScreenState() = remember { LoginScreenState() }
fun LoginScreen(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
state: LoginScreenState = rememberLoginScreenState(),
) {
At this point, you might notice that the state holder is missing the useful
. We can add a coroutine scope that follows the lifecycle of
the screen as follows:
fun rememberLoginScreenState(
stateScope: CoroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope(),
) = remember { LoginScreenState(stateScope) }
This coroutine scope will be canceled when the composable exits the composition.
Note that the cancelation is different than that of viewModelScope
in the example above will be canceled when the screen is in the
navigation back stack, while viewModelScope
is not.
Dependency Injection
We usually have dependencies injected into the constructor. In Compose the custom remember function is responsible for this:
fun rememberLoginScreenState(
stateScope: CoroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope(),
doLogin: DoLoginUseCase = get(), // injected with Koin
) = remember { LoginScreenState(stateScope, doLogin) }
LiveData vs MutableState
We can also replace any LiveData to Compose’s MutableState, like this:
private val _emai = MutableLiveData<String>("")
val email: LiveData<String> = _email
private val _password = MutableLiveData<String>("")
val password: LiveData<String> = _password
val loginEnabled = combineLiveData(email, password) { email, password ->
email.isNotEmpty() && password.isNotEmpty()
private val _emai = MutableLiveData<String>("")
val email: LiveData<String> = _email
private val _password = MutableLiveData<String>("")
val password: LiveData<String> = _password
val loginEnabled = combineLiveData(email, password) { email, password ->
email.isNotEmpty() && password.isNotEmpty()
State Restoration
For types that are not automatically saved into a Bundle, like our state holder, we need to create a Saver.
fun rememberLoginScreenState(
stateScope: CoroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope(),
doLogin: DoLoginUseCase = get(),
): LoginScreenState {
return rememberSaveable(saver = LoginScreenState.getSaver(stateScope, doLogin)) {
LoginScreenState(stateScope, doLogin)
class LoginScreenState(
private val stateScope: CoroutineScope,
private val doLogin: DoLoginUseCase,
) {
var email: String by mutableStateOf("")
private set
var password: String by mutableStateOf("")
private set
val loginEnabled by derivedStateOf { email.isNotEmpty() && password.isNotEmpty() }
fun onEmail(text: String) {
email = text.trim()
fun onPassword(text: String) {
password = text
companion object {
private const val EMAIL: String = "EMAIL"
private const val PASS: String = "PASS"
fun getSaver(
stateScope: CoroutineScope,
login: DoLoginUseCase,
): Saver<LoginScreenState, *> = mapSaver(
save = { mapOf(EMAIL to, PASS to it.password) },
restore = {
LoginScreenState(stateScope, login).apply {
onEmail(it.getOrElse(EMAIL) { "" } as String)
onPassword(it.getOrElse(PASS) { "" } as String)
Since theming moved from XML into Kotlin, we can work a bit easier with it.
Just as before we have the Material Theme with its components available, and by default, you can rely on that.
But the recommendation is to create your own Theme with attributes that should ideally match exactly what it is in the design.
Theming in Compose relies heavily on CompositionLocal
this short guide
or the
official guide).
If we’re taking as an example colors, we need to create a data class
for all the color attributes:
data class Colors(
val primary: Color = Color(0xFF5a41fa),
val primaryVariant: Color = Color(0xFF4834c8),
val accent: Color = Color(0xFFffe650),
val accentVariant: Color = Color(0xffccb840),
val surface: Color = Color(0xFFFFFFFF),
val surfaceDisabled: Color = Color(0xFFE7E8EA),
val textOnSurface: Color = Color(0xFF0D1C2E),
val textOnPrimary: Color = Color(0xFFFFFFFF),
val hint: Color = Color(0x66000000),
val error: Color = Color(0xFFFF1F00),
Then to create a CompositionLocal for it:
internal val LocalColors = staticCompositionLocalOf { lightColors }
val lightColors: Colors = Colors(...)
val darkColors: Colors = Colors(...)
And finally, create a composable that provides the Theme values:
fun MyTheme(content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
val colors = if (isSystemInDarkTheme()) darkColors else lightColors
LocalColors provides colors,
// other theme Locals,
content = content
Aditionally, to keep the API similarity with MaterialTheme create an object that provides easy access to theme attributes:
object AppTheme {
val dimens: Dimens
get() = LocalDimens.current
val colors: Colors
get() = LocalColors.current
val typography: Typography
get() = LocalTypography.current
val shapes: Shapes
get() = LocalShapes.current
Theming and configurations
You can provide different values depending on configuration by reading the configuration from LocalConfiguration in your theme composable.
The catalog should contain the styled components identified in the design.
Just as MaterialTheme
comes with its set of components, we should also
create our components that match our design, so that they are ready to be
used in the app. Applying styles as needed outside of the catalog will
create inconsistencies.
Even if your components are just material components stylized, you should still wrap them in your own components. In this case, only your catalog should have material imports and your screens should only have catalog or foundation imports.
Applying the same principle to typography you should create composables for
your texts such as Title()
, Subtitle()
, Body()
, and you should never use
Thanks to Gergely Hegedüs for reviewing.